
- Want to evolve your skills in digital dental design? Perhaps you are a beginner and have a desire to enter the field of digital dentistry?
- Or an experienced dental CAD user who wishes to improve in specific, more advanced types of design?
- We are here to guide you through the process!

Get trained in the most renowned dental CAD software, Exocad!

Panos Mavromatis, CEO and founder of Studiodent Digital, is a certified Exocad Trainer and has extensive experience in training dental designers. With a solid background in conventinal dental technology, his main interest in the latest years has been to engage in digital dentistry and spread the knowledge to other professionals!
The courses are customised according to ypour specific needs. Some examples of topics you can choose:

And many more.....
Feel free to contact us and book a consultation
Feel free to contact us and book a consultation